About the Data Bases

August 21, 2018

Monster Table Information, Data Base Search, Data Base Listing
NPC Table Information, Data Base Search, Data Base Listing
Item Table Information, Data Base Search, Data Base Listing
About the Images


A little about a name listed in any data base. In general when you hover the cursor over something the name of that something appears in the upper left corner. That name is what is used in a data base. Also there may be text in parentheses. This text is used to add additional information about the name and it comes from several sources:

Jagex Data Base ID:

Ever object in RuneScape Classic has an identification number. This number is the index number into the associated data base.

There are several data bases: npcs, items, objects, etc.

When searching by the ID, if the ID resolves to a number, then that number is searched for in the ID list for each data base entry. If the ID does not resolve to a number then the search is handled as a general text search.

Monsters Data Base:

Monsters are classified as any NPC (non-player character) that you can attack. This data base list all the monsters I know about and as much data about them as I know, been told or has appeared elsewhere on the web.

The page is divided into 3 sections; specific monster information, data base search function and a list of the monsters in the data base.

The specific monster area is composed of several sections:

Specific Monster Information Table

NameThe in-game name you see when you hover the cursor over the monster. The name is colored green if it has a drop table. The name is colored orange if the drop information is valid even without a drop table.
ImageIf there is an image it appears with the text name.
LevelThis is the combat level of the monster. You generally can attack a monster a few levels above your combat level.
HitsThis shows the number of hits the monster has. This is difficult to determine since the last blow does not show how much damage occurred.
Melee XPsThis is the number of experience points you receive from meleeing the monster with one of the non-controlled combat styles.
Controlled/Hits XPsThis is the number of experience points you receive from meleeing the monster with the controlled combat style (given to each melee skill) and the Hits skill (total experience points is always 4x this value).
Ranged XPsThis is the number of experience points you receive from ranging a monster. Total experience points is always the same whether you range or melee a monster.
Agressive?No, never starts an attack. Yes, attacks if your combat level is low enough. Always, will always attack you. Special, see the notes.
Flee combat?No, fights to the death. Yes, if it's hits drop low enough will try to flee.
RaceThe general race or type of creature.
Quest?No. Not specifically associated with a quest. Yes, may be used in a quest. Only, specifically used or of use only in a quest or quests.
LocationThe primary (not all) areas in which this monster can be found.
Always dropThis is a list of items the monster always drops (not random) when killed.
Common dropThis is a list of random items the monster will most likely drop when killed, 1 in less than 50. The ratio comes from a drop table or experience reported by many players over the years, it is not a guarantee.
Uncommon dropThis is a list of random items the monster has a good chance of dropping when killed, 1 in less than 250. The ratio comes from a drop table or experience reported by many players over the years, it is not a guarantee.
Rare dropThis is a list of random items the monster rarely drops when killed, 1 in less than 2000. The ratio comes from a drop table or experience reported by many players over the years, it is not a guarantee.
Very rare dropThis is a list of random items the monster vary rarely drops when killed, 1 in greater than 2000. The ratio comes from a drop table or experience reported by many players over the years, it is not a guarantee.
NotesGives interesting or additional useful information. This could be almost anything.

Most monsters have a specific set of random items they can drop. Several monsters may drop nothing at all like ghosts or may not drop anything on a specific kill.

There is an Extremely Rare Drop rate of greater than 1 in 10,000. These items are only listed as a Very Rare Drop, but with the name colored red.

Some monsters may always be agressive when encountered in the wilderness. There are a few that are always agressive outside the wilderness but are usually related to a quest whether you are doing the quest or not.

Monsters Data Base Search

The search function allows you to search the various fields of data base of the monsters listed in the table below. The search area is compose of six sections:

Text entry fieldEnter the text you want to search for or not in this field.
Field selectorThe field selector is to the right of the text entry field. Select which field you want searched.
SearchPress the search button to begin a search on the list below the button. The search results replace the old list below the button.
NotIf checked, then the results returned will be anything that did not match the search text.
CaseIf checked, then the case of the text and the data in the data base must be the same for a match to occur. A lowercase b will not match to an uppercase B. If unchecked, then the case of the search text and the data in the data base is ignored. A lowercase b will match an uppercase B.
Show AllTo start a new search on the entire data base press the Show All button.

Monsters Data Base Listing

The data base listing shows the results of a search (Show All and a sort on the cb level is performed on opening).

The list always shows, the combat level, name and location information. The Extra column has a pull-down menu that allows you select what data base field to view in the Extra column.

Clicking on the Level, Name or Extra causes the displayed list to be sorted on that column. Each click reverses the order of the sort.

To get specific information on a monster click on it's name in the Name column.

The number that appears to the right of the header title 'Monster' shows the number of entries in the data base.

NPCs Data Base:

NPCs are classified as any NPC (non-player character) that you can not attack. This data base list all the NPCs that I know about.

The page is divided into 3 sections; specific NPC information, data base search function and a list of the NPCs in the data base.

The specific NPC area is composed of several sections:

Specific NPC Information Table

NameThe in-game name you see when you hover the cursor over the NPC.
ImageIf there is an image it appears with the text name.
RaceThe general race or type of creature.
Quest?No. Not specifically associated with a quest. Yes, may be used in a quest. Only, specifically used or of use only in a quest or quests.
LocationThe place where this NPC can be found.
NotesGives interesting or additional useful information. This could be almost anything.

NPCs Data Base Search

The search function allows you to search the various fields of data base of the NPCs listed in the table below. The search area is compose of six sections:

Text entry fieldEnter the text you want to search for or not in this field.
Field selectorThe field selector is to the right of the text entry field. Select which field you want searched.
SearchPress the search button to begin a search on the list below the button. The search results replace the old list below the button.
NotIf checked, then the results returned will be anything that did not match the search text.
CaseIf checked, then the case of the text and the data in the data base must be the same for a match to occur. A lowercase b will not match to an uppercase B. If unchecked, then the case of the search text and the data in the data base is ignored. A lowercase b will match an uppercase B.
Show AllTo start a new search on the entire data base press the Show All button.

NPCs Data Base Listing

The data base listing shows the results of a search (Show All and an alphabetical sort on the name is performed on opening).

The list always shows, name, location, race and quest information. In the future you will be able to select between displaying the Location or Notes information.

Clicking on the Name, Location, Race or Quest causes the displayed list to be sorted on that column. Each click reverses the order of the sort.

To get specific information on an NPC click on it's name in the Name column.

The number that appears to the right of the header title 'NPC' shows the number of entries in the data base.

Items Data Base

Items are anything you can place in your inventory. This data base list all the items that I know about.

The page is divided into 3 sections; specific item information, data base search function and a list of the items in the data base.

The specific item area is composed of several sections:

Specific Item Information Table

NameThe in-game name you see when you hover the cursor over the item.
ImageIf there is an image it appears with the text name.
TypeThe general type of item.
Quest?No. Not specifically associated with a quest. Yes, may be used in a quest. Only, specifically used or of use only in a quest or quests.
HealWhen consumed, the number of Hits restored or lost. Only has meaning if you can actually consume the item.
LocationThe primary (not all) areas in which this item can be found. Also a list of monsters that drop this item is shown in red.
StatsLists the affect this item has on the various stats. Always an adjustment not an absolute value.
NotesGives interesting or additional useful information. This could be almost anything.

Items Data Base Search

The search function allows you to search the various fields of data base of the items listed in the table below. The search area is compose of six sections:

Text entry fieldEnter the text you want to search for or not in this field.
Field selectorThe field selector is to the right of the text entry field. Select which field you want searched.
SearchPress the search button to begin a search on the list below the button. The search results replace the old list below the button.
NotIf checked, then the results returned will be anything that did not match the search text.
CaseIf checked, then the case of the text and the data in the data base must be the same for a match to occur. A lowercase b will not match to an uppercase B. If unchecked, then the case of the search text and the data in the data base is ignored. A lowercase b will match an uppercase B.
Show AllTo start a new search on the entire data base press the Show All button.

Items Data Base Listing

The data base listing shows the results of a search (Show All and an alphabetical sort on the name is performed on opening).

The list always shows, name, location, type and quest information. In the future you will be able to select between displaying the Location or Notes information, and between the quest, heals and stat fields information.

Clicking on the Name, Location, Type or Quest causes the displayed list to be sorted on that column. Each click reverses the order of the sort.

To get specific information on an item click on it's name in the Name column.

The number that appears to the right of the header title 'Item' shows the number of entries in the data base.

About the Images

The majority of images on this site are in-game screen captures that are edited to remove the background.

About half of the images I took, the rest were supplied by others. The ones I took, started out as very large tiffs and then I converted them to png. Some of the images I received, came as jpg captures and are impossible to edit. The jpgs were still converted to png but still don't look as good as the tiffs. If an image came as a gif, they had a color depth of 8-bits, so converting them to png with 24-bits of color depth just makes the image file size larger, but does allow for transparency.

Tagged Image File Format
A file format for storing images, popular among graphic artists, the publishing industry and both amateur and professional photographers. As of 2009, it is under the control of Adobe Systems. Originally created by the company Aldus.
Joint Photographic Experts Group
A method of lossy compression for digital photography (image). You lose image data, but the file can be made very small. JPG images that are compressed enough generally appear fuzzy. This is because several pixels in a small area are reduced to one pixel mathmatically. The single pixel is a kind of average color that if not taken to the extrem our video system (eyes to brain) will still be able to make out the boundries of the objects in the image. To reduce the file size more you increase the number of pixels averaged from a grid of 2x2 upto a grid of 16 by 16 or more, thus throwing away even more data.
Graphic Image Format
Is a bitmap image format that was introduced by CompuServe in 1987. One advantage to gifs over the other standards is that gif supports animations. Compression is done with the Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) lossless data compression method which doesn't throw away image data. When Unisys and CompuServe got into a licensing disagreement a new standard came into exsistance, png.
Portable Network Graphics
Is a bitmapped image format that uses a lossless data compression method. PNG was created to improve upon and replace GIF as an image-file format not requiring a patent license. PNG supports pixel sizes of 24-bits and 32-bits (normally called, true color).

Any screen captures of the game are property of Jagex Ltd, so no one else can lay claim to them. Any images provided by others (original creations) for display on this site, become public domain. If you submit anything, please identify yourself with one of your character's names so you can be credited for the original work.